
Handout and video recording: Summary of the VG Bild-Kunst event of January 31, 2022

Kalep Tapp arrow

Mehr ist mehr ! Es geht um Geld. Was ist neu bei der VG-Bild Kunst? Wie funktioniert die Vergütung? Wie melde ich eigentlich richtig? Warum ist die Stimmrechtsübertragung bei der Berufsgruppenversammlung für uns wichtig? Konzept und Durchführung: Martin Zellerhoff und Susanne Kutter, Moderation: Wibke Behrens

15.03.2022 | rbb-inforadio: War in Ukraine: What can art do?

Ukraine Depeche 14.03.2022

What can culture do concretely for artists from Ukraine? In order to clarify this question, the Professional Association of Visual Artists in Berlin - bbk berlin, together with other cultural initiatives, invited to a solidarity evening, where artists from Ukraine were present. By Barbara Wiegand

11.03.2022 | Invitation of the bbk berlin, CCA Berlin, Neue Nachbarschaft/Moabit to the panel discussion: Ukrainian Dispatch - Solidarity as Cultural Praxis during Wartime 14. März 6 pm

Ukraine Depesche

The bbk berlin, CCA Berlin and Neue Nachbarschaft/ Moabit warmly invite you to the panel discussion. On Monday, 14.3.2022, 6 pm at CCA Berlin – Center for Contemporary Arts, Kurfürstenstraße 145, 10785 Berlin: Let’s listen to the ones who are directly affected. In regard to what the cultural scene and the art world can do beyond symbolic gestures – what can be done to save lives and provide


No winners or losers emerge from a war. Each side loses lives, honor and prestige, and the whole world pays for the pain and misery that results. Our historical records are filled with shameful accounts of wars and the consequent judgment and condemnation of the perpetrators of these crimes against humanity and nature. As the French politician Jean Jaures said in 1903, “Courage lies in not

24.02.2022 | Open Letter: Cultural Workers Against the Ongoing War in Ukraine

nie wieder krieg

We, cultural workers in Berlin and other places, raise our voices to state that we stand strong and firm with Ukraine. We protest against the ongoing and escalating Putin-led Russian aggression against the people living in Ukraine.

Media workshop: 2G+ for teams

Medienwerkstatt Corona Wiedereröffnung

For teams with more than two persons we follow the 2G + covid rules (only vaccinated, recovered plus a negativ test) in all of the rooms of the media workshop. The same rule applies for inductions and coaching, whenever a distance of 1,5 m could not be complied.

08.11.2021 | NEW SUBSIDY DIRECTIVE for the studio rental program

We are pleased to inform you that the new subsidy directive for the studio rental programme came into force on 1 November 2021. The guideline was agreed between the Studio Office in the Kulturwerk of the bbk berlin and the Senate Department for Culture and Europe and replaces the previous guideline from 1993.

30.09.2021 | Survey on the material production infrastructure in Berlin

The Bündnis Freie Szene Berlin e.V. has commissioned the Centre for Cultural Research to conduct a study. We want to find out how independent cultural workers in Berlin procure and use material, equipment, tools and technology for their work. Your participation in the survey provides important knowledge about the production conditions in independent art and culture in Berlin.


Parliaments of the Many

DIE VIELEN - PROTEST & DEMONSTRATION SUN, 9/19/2021, 3 PM, PLATZ DER REPUBLIK | Quote: "More than 10 million people in Germany are not allowed to vote because they do not hold German passports. This means that they are excluded from the democratic decision-making process even though they have, on average, lived in Germany for over 15 years, work in Germany and contribute to society. This not only

16.07.2021 | Tax treatment of the Special Scholarship Program 2020

Tax treatment of the Special Scholarship Program of the Senate Department for Culture and Europe in 2020. | As we have been informed by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe, the Special Scholarship in 2020 will be classified as taxable income as determined by the Senate Department for Finance. A corresponding instruction was and is available to all tax offices.

- The bbk berlin informs: Defund the Humboldt Forum! Opening of the decolonial action space Spreeufer

Fotos: Plakate der CCWAH-Aktion und Schiff von Daniela Zambrano und Pablo Santacana im Spreeufer

Plakate der CCWAH-Aktion und Schiff von Daniela Zambrano und Pablo Santacana im Spreeufer / Posters from the CCWAH campaign and ship by Daniela Zambrano and Pablo Santacana in Spreeufer

The bbk berlin informs about the press release of the CCWAH: "There must be no ‘business as usual’ for the Humboldt Forum in the Berlin Palace! To this end, we have opened an action space in its immediate vicinity in the Nikolaiviertel under the name of Spreeufer, directly at Spreeufer 6. From here we hurl a decisive and powerful “No way!” in the direction of cultural-imperial megalomania

01.07.2021 | Tax return 2020 - deadline extension for submission to the tax office until 31.10.2021

For taxpayers who prepare their own tax returns (so-called "non-advised taxpayers"), the final filing deadline is Oct. 31, 2021, which extends the July 31 deadline first stated by 3 months.



Zoë Claire Miller, bbk berlin: Next week we will be discussing labour issues in arts and culture with @bbkBerlin / @UVWunion / IG Kultur / Working Artists and the Greater Economy (W.A.G.E.) / Art Workers Italia / Σ.Ε.ΧΩ.ΧΟ / Za K.R.U.H. / ULUS - One world - one struggle

18.06.2021 | The BVG Culture Ticket - a support campaign for Berlin artists

Licht im Schacht - BVG Kulturticket

Since 7.6.2021, BVG's "Licht im Schacht" (Light in the Shaft) campaign has been running to raise funds for Berlin artists and creators of art who have experienced economic hardship as a result of the Corona pandemic. Donations can be made by purchasing a Kulturticket, which comes with a surcharge of one euro on the normal Berlin AB one-way ticket. The Kulturticket is available at every BVG ticket


We received a request from the Croatian artist Sanja Iveković for active support of the appeal: Urgent charity action of SOLIDARNA Foundation and Fund 5.5 - IN SOLIDARITY WITH PETRINJA AND SISAK-MOSLAVINA COUNTY. In compassion and solidarity with the citizens of Petrinja and the surrounding area who lost their lives and their loved ones, and were affected by continuous devastating earthquakes in

We are at your side also in 2021.

Seasons greetings 2020

In this, for many people turbulent year 2020, we have stood by your side and will continue to do so. Despite and even because of the difficult conditions, we have continued to stick to our goals and to fight for better working conditions in the arts. We thank all artists for their enriching commitment. The numerous open letters have actively supported our work. Of course we hope for the best for

03.12.2020 | Stop the State-sanctioned violence against Cuban artists and journalists

Petition Kuba

UPDATE 02/12/2020 Coco Fusco: This morning, Cuban artist Tania Bruguera was threatened once again by state security agents for her role in the historic November 27 meeting between Cuban artists and state officials about state repression of the cultural sector. Cuban journalist Carlos Manuel Alvarez, who has been reporting on the hunger strike by art-activists that preceded the November 27 meeting

24.11.2020 | Learning from successful Artists' Assoziation around the globe

Learning from Successful Artists' Associations Around the Globe

Learning from Successful Artists‘  Assoziation Around the Globe around the globe have in common, and the qualities which make their organizations successful. Very honored that the the Israeli Visual Artists Association invited bbk berlin as one of "three of the world's leading artists' associations to discuss the issues visual artists associations around the globe have in common". video up now:

25.11.2020 | IFSE: German Fine Art Galleries 2020

Galerienstudie 2020 - IFSE, Hergen Wöbken in Kooperation mit dem BVDG

Hergen Wöbken vom Institut für Strategieentwicklung (IFSE), Berlin, hat mit dem BVDG zusammen eine Studie zur Situation der Galerien in Deutschland durchgeführt. Im August wurden von uns knapp 500 Galerien für die Galerienstudie 2020 angeschrieben, 3 Wochen lief die online-Befragung, knapp 240 Galerien haben sich relevant an der Studie beteiligt, im Oktober führte Hergen Wöbken zahlreiche


Res Artis COVID-19 SURVEY I 2020

Take part in COVID-19 SURVEY 2 by Res Artis Org: MEDIUM-TERM IMPACT ON THE ARTS RESIDENCY SECTOR - Worldwide Network of Arts Residencies is partnering with UCL (University College London) to conduct this survey to assess the true impact of COVID-19 specifically on the arts residencies field. This survey is the second of three planned surveys to assess the effects of the pandemic on this sector.