
Online talk: Navigating an Unjust System


Class Issues – Art Production In and Out of Precarity | Monday, 09 January 2023, 19:00 | Online

22.12.2022 | Artist associations raise funds for Afghan artists in need – Thank you!

Artists at risk

BBK Federal Association, bbk berlin, the Association of German Artists, the GEDOK, the IGBK, IKG… We are very grateful to announce that a growing number of associations, in particular of artists, are calling on their members, friends and sponsors, and the public to get involved in a fundraising campaign to address the urgent situation of artists in Afghanistan.

13.12.2022 | Open Letter by the Artist Anahita Razmi: On the Rejection of the NEUSTARTPlus Grant of the Stiftung Kunstfonds

Open Letter

Ich lehne das NEUSTARTPlus-Stipendium über 18.000 Euro, das mir die Stiftung Kunstfonds zugesprochen hat, ab. Ich lehne es u. a. ab, da die Stiftung auf die wiederholten Hinweise zu Lobbyismus und unlauterer Vergabepraxis nicht angemessen reagiert. Auch gibt es keinerlei Veränderungen im Hinblick auf den eklatanten Mangel an Diversität in den fast ausschließlich weißen, 'biodeutschen', zu oft

05.12.2022 | ArtReview: POWER 100 - The annual ranking of the most influential people in art


Unions - Activist Movement - Collective action among artists and museum workers - 3 in 2022. bbk berlin "It is so important for our work that ArtReview puts the art unions on place 3 of the 'Most influential people in 2022 in the contemporary artworld'. We are perceived internationally and are part of a network that acts in solidarity. Stay by our side."

14.11.2022 | OPEN LETTER: Million dollar festival – run by major corporations?


The bbk berlin informs: The Club Commission in Berlin has posted an Open Letter with a detailed statement on the funding of a planned multi-day creative festival in 2023 by the Senate Economic Administration:

04.11.2022 | Artists Are Hit Hard by Europe’s Twinned Energy and Inflation Crises, With Material Costs Exploding and Studios Too Expensive to Heat

Devorah Lauter, November 1, 2022 on One silver lining in an otherwise bleak situation is that many had already cut back on production costs during the pandemic.The upcoming season’s rising energy bills are going to affect vulnerable people, including artists who are often in precarious financial situations. “This is an announced, coming catastrophe with delayed effects,” said Zoë

NEW from 01.11.2023 | the bildungswerk's Digital Campus

Digitaler Campus

From November 1, 2023 to March 1, 2024, the Digital Campus will take place for the second time.

26.10.2022 | Solidarity and support for refugee artists and cultural workers from the war zones of Ukraine

Demonstration am 27.2.2022 Berlin - Die Vielen

The bbk berlin and its kulturwerk offer active help to refugee artists and cultural workers from the war zones of Ukraine. We provide our networks and infrastructure, especially the workshops. Our offices and staff will provide orientation and support networking with the local scene as far as possible. This includes that the bbk berlin channels and coordinates individual requests for help and

Conference on Shaping Feminist Foreign Policy

Conference on Shaping Feminist Foreign Policy

What exactly should guide German feminist foreign policy in the future? And what can Germany learn from countries that are already shaping their foreign and security policy to be feminist? These will be the big questions in Berlin on 12 September - our spokesperson Zoë Claire Miller takes part in the expert panel discussions.

05.07.2022 | rbb: Uferhallen in Moabit are about to undergo a big change | Martin Schwegmann in conversation

Martin Schwegmann im Gespräch - rbb abendschau

The Uferhallen in Moabit, a place for alternative art and culture, is facing a major upheaval. The entire area is to be rebuilt and surrounded by flats. The artists now fear for their prospects - because in other districts of the city, art locations have already irretrievably disappeared. In conversation: Martin Schwegmann, Studio Commissioner for Berlin. A contribution by Christian Titze.

04.07.2022 | KSK (Artists' Social Insurance) Act: ver.di welcomes planned adjustments


An important step towards more fairness. In the future - as demanded by ver.di - the following should apply: Artists and publicists will be and remain insured through the Künstlersozialkasse (KSK) as long as their artistic activities predominate. So far, insured persons lose protection through the KSK as soon as they earn more than 450 euros per month in a self-employed non-artistic profession

01.07.2022 | Research and work scholarships are significantly increased in number

The bbk berlin has succeeded in achieving a significant increase in the number of research grants. From 2023, 1,096,000 euros will be available in the state budget for this purpose and 137 research scholarships will be awarded instead of the current 60. The number of working scholarships will also increase and a sliding scale will be introduced.

30.06.2022 | Petition: In support of documenta fifteen

The spokesperson of the bbk berlin, Zoë Claire Miller, is one of the first signatories of the petition "In support of documenta fifteen" by Iris Dressler on "In our opinion, the mistake of showing "People's Justice" should not lead to a blanket condemnation of the entire documenta fifteen with its hundreds of artists and activists and their impressive, important and enriching

14.06.2022 | Extraordinary general meeting with election of the board on 6 July

bbk berlin logo mv 2022

The Board of the bbk berlin invites to the extraordinary general meeting on 6 July 2022 at 6 pm in the Sculpture workshop. With best regards, the Board

24.06.2022 | Corona Update #25: IBB's audit sampling (Stichprobenprüfung) of Corona Soforthilfe II / Landeszuschuss

Uns erreichen unzählige Nachfragen zu der Stichprobenerhebung, die die IBB derzeit zur Verwendung der Corona Soforthilfe II (Zuschuss des Landes Berlin) i.H.v. 5.000 Euro durchführt. Bei dieser Stichprobenerhebung wird über ein Formular die Verwendung der Mittel für den Zeitraum April – Juni 2020, also für 3 Monate abgefragt. Wird über die Eingabe in die vorgegebenen Ausgabenfelder nicht die Summe

30.05.2022 | Press echo to the press release of the bbk berlin: "Berliner Kunsthalle"-a label fraud

Streit um die Kunsthalle - blau

The bbk berlin summarizes the reactions in the media since its press release of January 28. What interests does the association "Stiftung für Kunst und Kultur e.V.", which runs the "Berliner Kunsthalle", represent? And what role does the state of Berlin play in this appropriation of the name and representation? The debate continues and concepts are being developed:

27.05.2022 | "Hall for All" (Halle für Alle) - New Alliance Paves the Way for Sustainable Development

Halle für alle

The bbk berlin informs: On Monday, 30.5. at 5 p.m., the Transformationsbündnis THF (Transformation Alliance THF) invites the Berlin community to join us on site for the festivities! We are going to celebrate the finissage of the current exhibition of the "Kunsthalle Berlin", the closing of the so-called Kunsthalle and the rededication of the space it occupied as a benchmark for cultural, community

Koalition der Freien Szene: Fall plenary & anniversary celebration 10 Years of Coalition of the Independent Arts Berlin (Part 2)

Koalition der Freien Szene Logo

Invitation to the fall plenary & anniversary celebration 10 Years of Coalition of the Independent Arts Berlin (Part 2) via ZOOM

New regulation: Parking at the sculpture workshop

BHW Zugang Osloerstraße

Parking at the sculpture workshop is possible only with restrictions.

17.03.2022 | Information and links: Ukrainian Dispatch - Solidarity as Cultural Praxis during Wartime

Ukraine Depeche 14.03.2022

Solidarity and support for Ukrainian cultural workers: Let’s not forget people who decided to stay in Ukraine, protect the heritage and continue working under precarious conditions. Art, culture and war. An overview of hot questions and quick answers, by Maria Isserlis